Three letters that symbolize a path towards alignment for a more just, transparent, andsustainable society. Here at Martins Villac, we have always sought to adopt management practices aligned with these principles: conserving natural resources, fostering diversity in talent recruitment, and supporting third-sector organizations
dedicated to promoting workplace equality and environmental preservation are some of the initiatives that permeate our entire strategy.
We rely on strategic partners to build the best solutions for each case, as when it comes to ESG, each initiative is absolutely unique, involving the values and ethical principles of each organization.
In this way, our solid experience in corporate governance and compliance combines with the expertise of our partners in the environmental and third sectors, ensuring not only the transformative potential of our firm as an institution, but also our ability to support our clients in their journeys toward building a more ethical, just, and sustainable society.
Projects we support
Amazônia Care
We support @Amazônia Care, an association dedicated to preserving the Brazilian Amazon’s flora, fauna, and its population!
Amazônia Care invests in key areas such as reforestation through family farming, forest recovery, and sustainable development.
This is achieved by directing resources from private donations to thoroughly audited organizations, ensuring that all funds are used correctly and effectively. Additionally, in partnership with responsible authorities, the association works to prevent deforestation by addressing its root causes, such as wildfires and illegal logging.
This is how we work, together, to transform the world’s largest forest! Amazônia Care’s goal is to plant 4 million trees and reforest 10,000 hectares by 2030.